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August 23, 2024

If you have EatMyRide Premium you can fill in your personal metabolism from an Inscyd test. In this article we explain how you can extract the correct numbers from your Inscyd test to fill in in EatMyRide.


Personalized metabolism in EatMyRide

First of all, if you want to fill in your Inscyd test results, go to Profile > Personal > Cycling and select Personal metabolism. In this screen you can fill your fat and carb burn at your FatMax point and carb burn at Anaerobic threshold.


Getting the numbers from your Inscyd test.

There are two methods to get the right numbers from your test: either from the Fat and carbohydrate combustion graph or from a table with training zones.

Getting the number from the graph

First, look for your FatMax in the Fat and carbohydrate combustion graph. This is the point where the fat burn peaks. Fill in the power at this point (number (1) in the graph above) as FatMax.

Then, check the fat burn at FatMax, which is point (2) in the graph. This number is in kcal / hour. Take this number and divide it by 9 to get your fat burn in grams per hour. The carbohydrate burn at FatMax can be read directly from the right y-axis of the graph (3). Since this axis already shows the grams of carbohydrate burn per hour, the number you obtain doesn’t have to be divided like the fat burn.

For the Anaerobic threshold you only have to obtain two numbers. First, check the power at Anaerobic threshold (4). Finally fill in the carbohydrate burn at this point, which is represented by point (5) in the graph.

Getting the number from the table with training zones

If the table with Training zones in your Inscyd report contain both a FATmax and Threshold zone, the number to be filled in can be extracted directly from this table. The power at FatMax and Anaerobic threshold can be read from the column Target. The fat and carbohydrate burn are given at the right side of the table in the Physiological Conditions part. These numbers are already given in grams / hour, so these can be filled in directly in the EatMyRide app. Check the image of the table above to see which numbers from the table you need to fill in.